Kāhui (House Groups)
At Victory Primary School we have four kāhui (house groups) that all children and all staff are part of.
These groups have been created to provide opportunities for collaboration across our school and to enhance our connections to our school pepeha. The four kāhui are named after natural resources that are significant to our area and they were chosen because they connect to different parts of our school pepeha. The names of our kāhui are as follows:
Pakohe (connects to our maunga)
Pounamu (connects to our awa)
Pūtātara (connects to our moana)
Wharariki (connects to our whenua)
Ngā Taonga
Each kāhui is represented by a taonga that has been created by a local artist. Our taonga have been beautifully crafted by a group of highly-skilled artists that have links to our region and they are named based on their origins, their characteristics, and their connection to our rohe. They were welcomed into our kura during Term 2 of 2023.
Taonga Name: Te Tūāhu
Description: A toki (adze) made from pakohe
Artist: Layton Robertson
Taonga Name: Te Ika Kuratea
Description: A mere (short, flat weapon) made from pounamu
Artist: Fayne Robinson
Taonga Name: Rongo Taketake
Description: A pūtātara (conch shell instrument)
Artist: Brian Flintoff
Taonga Name: Te Maru Awatea
Description: A hieke (cloak) made from wharariki
Artist: Missy Broughton