Inquiry Kaupapa
At Victory Primary School we have a school wide inquiry kaupapa (theme/concept) each term that helps to inform our planning and increase opportunities for collaboration across the school.
The inquiry kaupapa provides a central idea for learning to link to and helps us to make learning meaningful and engaging. We love sharing our learning with whānau and really value input from our community if they have a connection to a particular kaupapa. If you feel that you can offer anything to any of our schoolwide inquiry kaupapa, please get in touch by emailing principal@victory.school.nz.
2023 Inquiry Kaupapa
Term 1: Kia mau ki tō ūkaipō. Don’t forget your roots.
Term 2: Kei te tāria mai koe e te ao, tukuna kia rere! The world is waiting for you, get ready to soar!
Term 3: I orea te tuatara ka patu ki waho. A problem is solved by continuing to find solutions.
Term 4: Kua hua te marama. Something has completed a full cycle.
2022 Inquiry Kaupapa
Term 1: Tangaroa: What is your wai (water)?
Term 2: Ranginui: The sky is the limit... or is it?
Term 3: Excellence: Whāia te iti kahurangi, ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei. Pursue that which is precious and do not be deterred by anything less than a lofty mountain.
Term 4: Whenua: Ko te oranga taiao he oranga tangata. Environmental health is personal health.