Our Board
Our Mission
To develop adaptive, creative thinkers who apply their learning throughout their schooling and beyond to achieve their potential. We use high-quality teaching pedagogy to provide the best learning outcomes by both challenging and supporting our students in an environment of mutual trust and respect.
To grow confident citizens, positively engaged and embedded in their identity, language, culture and community. We weave our responsibilities under Te Tiriti o Waitangi throughout our practice. We celebrate our diversity and provide an environment that is safe and inclusive. To be a responsive, values-based, educational organisation that adapts to and supports our people.
Meet the Board of Trustees
David Norgate
E Ngā Maunga kōrerō o Te Tau Ihu o te Waka ā Maui , E ngā Maunga kōrerō o te motu e ngā tai nunui e ngā tai roroa tēnā koutou He uri au o Te Whare Tapu O Ngāpuhi ko David (Chook) Norgate tōku ingoa .
I currently have the privilege to be leading the BOT team and am super proud of our kura and all that our tamariki achieve.
I was born and bred in Whakatū before heading off to a career with Ngāti Tūmatauenga (NZ Army). On leaving the Army I worked in recruitment for over 10 years, before my current role of cultural support in the health sector. I live in Waimeha with my wife and two tamariki who both attend our kura. I enjoy engaging in sports and immersing myself in Te Ao Māori.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or have and ideas for our kura. Nā reira, Ehara tēnei te mahi o te takitahi nā reira ki te takitini Tēnā koutou.
Dan George
Kia ora, ko Dan George tōku ingoa, he tumuaki ahau āku mahi ki te kura tuatahi o Wikitoria. I am the very proud principal of Victory Primary School and have been here since May 2021.
Prior to Victory, I worked in various roles at schools in Christchurch, Auckland, London, and I've also volunteered at schools all over the world. I'm passionate about making a difference in kids' lives, and love working hard for our community.
I live in Richmond with my wife, Rachel, and our two tamariki, Archie and Harriet. Outside of school, you will find me in the outdoors, playing sports, making music, taking photos, or hanging out with whānau and friends.
It's a privilege to be leading such a wonderful group of people in our school and community, and I'm always happy to help out where I can. Please feel free to drop in to say 'kia ora' or contact me by phone or email.
Ash Della Bosca
Ko Ashleigh Della Bosca tōku ingoa.
It is a privilege to have spent the past eleven years at Victory Primary School, where I began my teaching career. Having split my career between the Juniors and Seniors, I have a clear understanding of the learning journey throughout our school, and bring valuable knowledge to this role. I prioritise any opportunity to communicate with whānau and have established strong relationships within the community, which I value highly. Outside of school I am heavily involved in playing and following a number of sports, travelling, reading and spending time with whānau and friends. As the staff representative I am committed to working with the Board of Trustees to ensure that our school continues to provide the best possible education for all our students.
Hayley Campbell
Kia ora, ko Hayley Campbell tōku ingoa. In my day job I am a lawyer at a local law firm and my current areas of focus include health and safety, employment and immigration. I grew up in Taranaki and studied in Wellington at Victoria University before moving to sunny Whakatū.
I have two daughters, one is at NIS in Te Pitau Whakarei, the other is tau 5 in Ngā Mana Kākano here at Victory. It has been a pleasure being involved in their learning journey at Victory as they have thrived during their time here. It is my hope that all our students have the opportunity to find their strengths, experience success and develop tools that will benefit them both now and in years to come.
Thank you for electing me to serve on the Victory Board of Trustees last election, I have been on the board since mid 2018. During this time I have held many roles on the board and am grateful to have been a part of the amazing journey the school has been on. It is such a vibrant and diverse school with so much to offer, I feel we are going from strength to strength and am excited for the future of Victory.
Nadia Dysart
Ko Nadia Dysart tāku ingoa. I am the Kai Coordinator at Victory Community Centre, which has been a nice connection between the centre and school. Part of my mahi is overseeing the community garden. I am passionate about healthy eating and caring for the whenua so I also keep a large mārakai at home. This is my second term as a parent representative and I advocate for not only the wellbeing of our tamariki, but the wellbeing of the surrounding environment too.
Oriwa Hytongue
Kia ora, ko Oriwa tōku ingoa. He uri ahau no Ngāti Kahungunu, Rongomaiwāhine, Te Atiawa, ko Ngai Tahu.
This is my first term as a parent representative on the VPS Board of Trustees, however my connection to Victory Primary School extends back 25+ years to when I was first a student here. It is a privilege to hold this position and contribute to our kura in a meaningful way. I am passionate about ensuring all tamariki at VPS experience success in their own way, and grow to be an awesome part of our society.
I am a proud wife, and māmā of three tamariki, living in the heart of Whakatū. I spend my weekdays with my awesome mahi whānau at a creative marketing agency and my weekends are usual spent on a sports sideline somewhere throughout the rohe.
Board Hui
The dates and times of board meetings are available from the school office (03 548-4779) and are advertised in the school newsletter. Meetings are generally held on the 3rd Monday of each month from 5:30pm to about 7:30pm. Meetings are open to the public and parents are most welcome to attend.